2.2 Delivery Instructions

  • The article must be saved in the .doc format – Microsoft Word 97 or higher;
  • The article is preferably written in American English. All articles will eventually be published in American English;
  • The text must be delivered ‘flat’, which means using one font, one size, no bold text, no underlining, and no special characters apart from the ASCII codes. This also means that accentuation of words, sentences or parts thereof by using italic, underlining or any other way is not allowed;
  • In case you want to use subdivisions in your test, we kindly ask you to use up to a maximum of three levels of subdivision: for instance, section 1, section 2, section 2.1 and 2.1.1. In the final layout, the section numbers will be replaced by two typographical differences in the headings of the sections. Your sections should be numbered in the final text that you deliver. However, please make sure that you do not refer to individual sections (for example: as mentioned in section 1.2.3. ) in the text, as the section numbers will be removed during lay-out;
  • In case of a bullet list, please use dashes (-).
  • Other distinction marks are not allowed as are indents in the margins.
  • Please use footnotes or endnotes, if any, only with regard to the content: for instance, when mentioning an unusual definition. Notes are not used to refer to sources.
  • Use of the header and footer function of word processing programs is not allowed.
  • With regard to illustrations, we mean: photos, trademarks, tables, graphs and other graphical pictures.
  • Illustrations can only be used when copyright issues are cleared or approved by the owner(s) of the illustrations. Aerlines Magazine is a voluntary, non-profit organization. Therefore, Aerlines Magazine has no budget for using copyrighted illustrations. Aerlines does not accept responsibility for paying any copyright charges.
  • Please deliver your illustrations in separate files. Do not include them in your text. When referring to the respective illustration in your text, a simple ‘figure x’ will do, with x being the respective number of the illustration (i.e. figure 5).
  • We can only accept illustrations in the following formats: JPG, GIF, TIFF, BMP and PPT.
  • Illustrations must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch).
  • The list of quoted literature will be presented alphabetically. Only the first initial of the author is mentioned. No more than three authors should be mentioned. After the third author something extra will be added. Publisher will not be mentioned.
  • Please include a short (30 words) biography of yourself (as the author) at the end of the article.

Please do not exceed the following limits with regard to maximum amount of words per article (including words used in tables):
• 1 page article (e.g. book review, column): maximum 660 words.
• 2 page article: maximum 1,400 words.
• 3 page article: maximum 2,250 words.
• 4 page article: maximum 3,200 words.

A standard article is, at the most, 2-4 pages at the most, but please keep the abovementioned limits in mind. You are advised to contact the editor that was assigned to you and come to an agreement with him/her about the length of your article, before you start writing.

The text and its accompanying illustrations are preferably delivered by email to info@aerlines.nl. Editors are advised to follow the instructions and directions of the person of contact within the Aerlines Editorial team that was assigned to them.