Issue 50

Airport Punctuality, Congestion and Delay – A scope for Benchmarking
By Branko Bubalo

This paper on airport performance aims the exploration of ways of measuring and observing performance quality from actual flight schedules with a focus on usability for subsequent airport benchmarking and traffic modeling.



Qantas 2011: its Agenda and its Future

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce delivered a speech to the Melbourne Press Club early February 2011 to unveil his agenda 2011 for Australia’s national airline Qantas. As he has to cope with though competition, economic downturn and terrific natural disasters, it seems quite difficult for him to actually fufil his proposed agenda. This short story provides you with a summary of his February speech as well as a recent embedded video interview with the 7.30 television program broadcasted by ABC Australia.

Key factors contributing to management strategy development at air cargo carriers
By Wouter Dewulf, Eddy Van de Voorde, Thierry Vanelslander

This article deals with the key factors contributing to management strategy development at air cargo operators. The objectives of the management of these air cargo operators are being discussed and analyzed.

Aerlines from Past to Present
“Sharing International Air Transportation Research: The Short Haul Between Academics, Students and Professionals”
By Bram du Saar, Hubert Croes & Willem-Jan Zondag

To celebrate the 50th Issue of Aerlines Magazine, the editorial team has decided to give you a glimpse behind the scene of the development of Aerlines since its foundation in 1994. This article consists of three elements, sketching our scene behind the screen. One about the history, the second about our missions and goals and the third is about three small interviews with people important to Aerlines.

Ready for Take-Off? Financing New High-Tech Ventures in the Aviation Industry. The case of the Mainport Innovation Fund

By Bram Kaashoek

In this short article we discuss why it is not easy to bring an innovative product or service to the market related to the aviation business. But we describe also a venture capital fund initiated in The Netherlands that will support emerging technologies in this domain and speed up innovation: the Mainport Innovation Fund.

Foundations of Airline Finance
By Frank van der Zwan

From frequent flyer programs to fuel hedging, this new book on airline finance provides you with a foundation in finance and in the application of these methodologies to various topics in airline industry practice.

Flying in the Face of Criminalization
By Ronald Schnitker

Two parallel investigations take place after every aviation accident: one technical, one judicial. The former must be conducted with the sole intention of making safety recommendations to prevent the recurrence of similar accidents. The judicial investigation, however, has the intention of identifying those parties that have been at fault and to apportion blameworthiness for criminal and civil liability. Ronald Schnitker reviews “Flying in the Face of Criminalization”.

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